up to 300 h
per year supplier spends filling in the product listing cards
nearly 60 000
connected users globally
at least 200 h
per year are lost communicating changes in the product listing cards by suppliers
SYNFONY is a GDSN data pool that connects suppliers and retailers helping them exchange their product data. It fully replaces Excel forms for product listing. Time saving, simple use and easier integration into IS.
Product data are shared via an online application, which also allows bulk import of data from Excel. Especially bigger companies will certainly appreciate the possibility of integration with their own information system.
The principles of GDSN can be found
Fast exchange of product information in the Czech Republic and worldwide. It complies with applicable legislation, including EU Regulation 1169/2011. Fast transfer of digital content, including digital images, safety data sheets and certificates.
Share B2B and B2C data about your products with all retailers together.
Receive master data in a standard format.
Becoming a customer of the SYNFONY Data Pool is quick and easy. All you need is a valid GLN (Global Location Number) from GS1. After concluding the contract, the client will receive login details and a brief information package with an invitation to the training.
The current price list can be requested at synfony@gs1cz.org
GDSN (Global Data Synchronization Network) enables business partners to synchronize master data globally.
Supplier has the possibility to enter the product master data of his products into the GDSN published to selected market, like Czech Republic, or to a specific retailer. Data in the GDSN are stored in a standard format and they can be easily downloaded into the information system by any retailer connected to the GDSN, if the supplier has allowed him to download the data.